Friday, May 7, 2010

A Bumpy Road.

LIFE is a bumpy road and I am a cart. Life has its ups and downs. One moment is filled with joy and we rejoice and praise our luck. And then the very next moment is full of pains and sorrows and we worry about them. I wonder sometimes if life plays games with me?

Its like the carrot and stick approach. Some times life dangles a nice juicy carrot in front of me and entices me to look up, smile, and move forward. Then suddenly it hits me with a stick and makes me wince with pain and forces me to move forward in pain.


1 comment:

aneesha said...

The getting hit with the stick part sounds scary!Is anything wrong..having some trouble? It's too early for you to start thinking morose...just look at carrots for now!!!!:)

My Favourite Books

  • The Best Laid Plans (1997)
  • Morning, Noon and Night (1995)
  • Nothing Lasts Forever (1994)
  • The Stars Shine Down (1992)
  • The Sands of Time (1988)
  • Windmills of the Gods (1987)
  • If Tomorrow Comes (1985)
  • Master of the Game (1982)
  • Rage of Angels (1980)